Website Hosting & Mainteance

Having a Properly Functioning Website Is Critical

Your website is probably the most important tool for your business. Not only does it generate solid leads, customers and revenue but it is where your new clients, customers u0026amp; potential partners will find you and contact you. So it is crucial to the success of your business and you want peace of mind that it will be up and available for your visitors 24/7 without any issues.

Your Software Is Always at Risk

On any website, the software will require updating at some point. This is an even bigger requirement when using WordPress for your website. Due to the popularity of this incredible software, it is becoming more and more vulnerable and as a website owner you need to ensure that your software is ALWAYS up to date.

More and more websites are getting hacked and attacked daily, including the bigger sites, and smaller websites are an even easier target.

WordPress is Easy to Update – So Should You Do This Yourself

Maintaining your WordPress website and keeping all of your software u0026amp; plugins up to date, your site backed up and secure can be time consuming and a sometimes extremely tedious. Why Because it takes you away from what you should be doing, working on your content, building relationships with your clients, customers and potential partners. WordPress is continuously evolving and there is no way you can keep on top of all of it’s developments, so doing this yourself can become a chore rather than a labour of love. And in the end – something you not only dread doing, but eventually neglect which can be dangerous.

But My Hosting Company Makes Backups

Of course there are many options for you to keep your website managed by your hosting company. They do it for thousands of their customers. However, they aren’t WordPress focussed and they don’t understand the need of a WordPress website.

How We Can Help Your Website

If your site is built in WordPress, then we know pretty much everything there is to know about how it functions, what it needs or where it is falling short. We provide WordPress website hosting in Australia that guarantees your site’s reliability, performance, and security, tailored specifically to local needs. We’ve been using WordPress now for almost 10 years and all of our websites (including this one) are built on the exact same software. So we are in the best position to keep your website up and running and open for business and we can do that with any of our Website Care plans.

So What Type of Care Plans Do We Offer

We’ll do all the nitty gritty things that you don’t want to so you can just enjoy blogging and promoting your business to others.

We can perform an unlimited number of small tasks on your website throughout the month to make sure every piece of content and code is perfect.

The Upside

Working with us means your website will continue to drive attention and customers into your business at a fraction of the time and cost it would take to do it yourself.


We Need To Know More About You

So in all honesty, we re only interested in working with clients who understand the value their website adds to their business.

Please review the care plans below to see if any of them are what you’re looking for.

This service is designed to offer you peace of mind and the assurance that you have a skilled partner who can help you achieve your online objectives.

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